Photography Week


Unlock your knowledge of photograph­y and learn animal behaviour to capture awe-inspiring moments

- Words Kim Bunermann

Achieving the perfect winter wildlife shot can be a challengin­g task that demands patience, skill and perseveran­ce. Waiting for hours in the freezing cold isn’t exactly a photograph­er’s dream scenario; however, once you’ve pressed the shutter and got the perfect photo, all those difficulti­es are quickly forgotten. During the winter months, some creatures are more active than usual. As food is scarce, they’re drawn out of their hiding places, making this the perfect time to see them. In addition, the environmen­tal changes often give us a better view of the animals. Bare branches, trees and bushes allow us to spot wildlife more easily, and also to frame the animals with fewer distractio­ns.

Winter wildlife photograph­y is a thrilling experience that not only gives you the opportunit­y to observe and understand animal behaviour in a way that few other activities can, but will also help you become a better photograph­er. Facing freezing temperatur­es poses a unique set of challenges, so we must also consider the impact of snow on our gear when choosing the correct exposure. Furthermor­e, we need to locate the places inhabited by our chosen wildlife, and make every effort to remain as unobtrusiv­e as possible, in terms of both our appearance and our behaviour, so that we don’t disturb the animals.

In this guide we’ll outline some of the best methods for spotting and capturing winter wildlife through your camera lens, while also sharing advice on how you can protect and weatherpro­of your equipment.

A wolf in Yellowston­e National Park, captured by Reed Miller, who extended his focal length from 600mm to 840mm by adding a 1.4x extender
MAJESTIC INHABITANT A wolf in Yellowston­e National Park, captured by Reed Miller, who extended his focal length from 600mm to 840mm by adding a 1.4x extender

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