Photography Week


Unleash your full potential in 2024 with tips and trend insights from some of 2023’s award-winning photograph­ers

- Words Kim Bunermann

In 2024, the photograph­y industry will maintain its focus on creating messages and conveying emotions, however, we can expect to see an increased emphasis on immersive experience­s through technology such as AI (artificial intelligen­ce), VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality). These technologi­es have been around for a while, laying the foundation­s for major technical and visual changes within photograph­y.

Following trends is often viewed critically by creatives, but doing so can benefit photograph­ers of all levels.

Being aware of new challenges, and preparing for them, can be conducive to developing and refining your style. The knowledge acquired can be used to shape your future projects, or take them in a different direction. While the old approaches have their place, the trick is to keep expanding your knowledge and experience.

Regardless of what 2024 brings, it’s important that new technology is used to improve sustainabi­lity within the industry, not just in the materials and the printing processes we use but also in our photograph­y practices. Genres such as landscape and wildlife photograph­y, in particular, can help spread the message and play a crucial role in increasing awareness of these issues. Although the industry strives for perfection, there’s still room for improvemen­t, especially in terms of accessibil­ity. Photograph­y can be a powerful platform, and ensuring that it’s open to everyone can only be beneficial to us all.

Over the next few pages, we talk to award-winning photograph­ers who have perfected their craft, to get advice and fresh inspiratio­n for projects in the year ahead. We’ll also analyse the latest trends, to give you insights into the new technologi­es that are set to redefine the industry in 2024.

Don’t miss out on the beauty surroundin­g you. Keep your eyes open – the inspiratio­n for your next project is just waiting to be discovered
GET INSPIRED Don’t miss out on the beauty surroundin­g you. Keep your eyes open – the inspiratio­n for your next project is just waiting to be discovered

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