Photography Week


New optic features the same tricks as the full-frame version, enabling you to ‘see round corners’ by shooting at a 90-degree angle to the lens barrel


Lens maker AstrHori has released the 18mm F8 2X Periprobe, an APS-C version of the 28mm F13 2X Macro Periprobe, a full-frame probe lens with a front element angled through 90 degrees, enabling the lens to ‘see round corners’, which it launched last year.

The new lens has the same rotating barrel tip as the full-frame version, with its perpendicu­lar viewpoint (relative to the main lens barrel), enabling you to shoot at 90 degrees in three directions, as well as straight ahead. This opens up possibilit­ies for intriguing new creative effects, such as being able to point the lens straight down into the undergrowt­h or into a flowing stream, with the 90-degree lens angle enabling you to capture a horizontal bug’s-eye view of the scene ahead.

This latest APS-C revision also retains the full-frame version’s ability to be submerged in water to a depth of up to 25cm, while the entire lens constructi­on measures 470mm and weighs around 712g. The full lens comprises a long, slim probe section, and a shorter, larger diameter barrel containing a 23-element optical stack arranged in 17 groups.

AstrHori says the 18mm focal length provides an 80-degree field of view when paired with a camera with an APS-C sensor, with a working distance of just 5mm. As with the 28mm full-frame version, this APS-C lens is capable of a 2:1 magnificat­ion ratio.

The AstrHori 18mm F8 2X Periprobe Lens is available to buy now for Sony E, Fuji X, Canon RF, Nikon Z, L-mount and MFT cameras, priced at £759 / $789. Alternativ­ely, the lens can be purchased as a bundle with AstrHori’s regular, forward-facing probe extension for £1,119 / $1,169.

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