Photography Week


Use the right lens to help you to act fast and capture the perfect moment


The lens you choose for street photograph­y should be easy to handle, flexible, and have accurate focus so you don’t end up with blurry subjects. Manual lenses are popular as they don’t rely on the camera’s autofocus – instead, you can achieve accurate focus through focus distance scales, depth-of-field markings and aperture. Although handling manual focus lenses isn’t easy at first, with practice you’ll learn to use them to their full potential.

A 35mm or 50mm focal length is often the best choice for the streets, with 35mm being a classic format due to its natural perspectiv­e. “I only shoot with prime lenses,” says Jamie. “I tend to gravitate towards 35mm or 50mm lenses as they provide a broader field of view, allowing me to encompass more of the scene and capture larger subjects with clarity. These lenses offer wider apertures, sharper images and better low-light performanc­e compared with zoom lenses.” Choosing a prime lens instead of a zoom lens is a smart decision, as it forces you to think with your feet to find the best compositio­n. “A prime lens means you have to move, which encourages you to learn about compositio­n,” Jamie adds. “They also require you to be more confident, as you’re a lot closer to the action than you would be with an 85mm or a zoom lens.”

When it comes to capturing street life, bigger is not always best. Larger zoom lenses can attract attention, and disrupt the authentici­ty of the scene. However, if you only have a zoom, make the most of your equipment but also consider investing in a prime. A 35mm lens, in particular, is not only great for street photograph­y but allows you to create intimate portraits while giving you the option to include context.

It doesn’t matter which brand of smartphone you use to capture a scene. Check out the modes provided to enable depth of field effects and more
MAKE USE OF MODES It doesn’t matter which brand of smartphone you use to capture a scene. Check out the modes provided to enable depth of field effects and more

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