Pick Me Up! Special




1 Identify the problem

Ask yourself what’s wrong. If you are feeling blue every week, it could be a sign that you are unhappy at work, and you need to either fix that, or find another job.

2 Avoid the dread

Prepare for Monday on Friday. If you have any unpleasant tasks waiting for you on Monday morning, try to get them done on Friday afternoon instead.

3 Be positive

Make a list. Write down three things you have to look forward to in the coming week. It will get you more excited for Monday.

4 Keep it separate

Avoid checking work emails over the weekend. It can be tempting to see what’s waiting for you, but it’s important to draw a line between work and home.

5 Extra time

Wake up 15 minutes early. That little extra ‘me time’ on a Monday morning will leave you feeling less rushed and does wonders for preparing you for the day.

6 Dress for success

When we look good, we feel good. Save your favourite outfit for Mondays. It will see you going to work more positive.

7 Pay it forward

A compliment can go a long way. Say something nice to someone at work on a Monday morning and watch how it changes the mood of the whole office.

8 Keep it light

Try not to give yourself too many difficult tasks on a Monday. Stick to an easier to-do list and try to schedule harder tasks for other days of the week.

9 Have fun

Set up a tradition. Even if it’s just a weekly coffee outing with a colleague every Monday, that’s something you can look forward to every week.

10 Plan your evening

Have something planned for Monday evenings – get a takeaway, go to the movies, or head to your local pub quiz.

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