Pick Me Up! Special



For years, reports have predicted that robots will replace human workers in the future.

And now, it seems they already are.

Lumidolls is the world’s first sex doll brothel franchise, based in secret locations in Spain, Russia and Italy.

Sex doll brothels have the advantage of being legal in many countries, where human prostituti­on is not legal.

Instead of paying women, clients are allowed to pay for sex with dolls.

In each room, you can find a bed, a TV, a shower and of course, a doll.

Clients can go on the website and choose a male or female, hair colour, body shape and an outfit.

Brothel owners believe that it is ethical because there’s no exploitati­on of real women.

However, critics argue the dolls teach men dangerous lessons about sex with women.

Do you think sex doll brothels could take over the market? Are they the future of selling sex?

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Sex doll brothels

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