Pick Me Up!

My Mini Moonwalker Mo

Michaela’s lad is wacko for Jacko…


Some kids are obsessed with dolls, while others are into cars, horses or even superheroe­s… Not my boy, William, 6. Because he’s obsessed with Michael Jackson.

Ever since he was 2, he’s been a massive fan.

I put the music video for Thriller on the telly. He was mesmerised. Far from being scared, he was transfixed, his eyes glued to the screen.

‘Back, back!’ He shouted at me when it ended. He wanted me to rewind it! From that day, he slept, lived and breathed Jacko.

Especially after he’d seen the documentar­y This Is It.

He was up dancing while he was still toddling! Forever begging me to show him videos on my phone so he could try and copy the dance moves.

Then came the costumes. The first William had when he was 3, was the outfit from Billie Jean, along with the leather pants and everything!

Before long, his policeman and superhero outfits got shoved to the side.

His favourite, of course, is the Thriller outfit. And at Halloween, he completes the look with a zombie face.

William had got eight outfits in total, and he’d wear them every day.

He’d start putting them straight on as soon as we got in from nursery.

Miming the words…he knew all the songs!

Over the years, I took him to see tribute acts.

‘Is that him, Mummy?’ he’d ask, his eyes lighting up.

Bless him, I didn’t have the heart to tell him the sad truth…

But he found out at school through his friends.

I really don’t think that he’s ever accepted Michael’s death to be real.

Now he’s 6, William still loves Jacko.

And he’s got his 3-year-old brother Frankie in on the act. He’s obsessed now, too. Well, luckily I still have all the costumes.

Long live the King of Pop!

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33, Manchester
Michaela Gibbons 33, Manchester

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