Pick Me Up!

Your Stars!

7 days of hope & happiness with Claire Petulengro


aries 21 March–20 April

something on which you were about to give up hope gets a boost, and you begin to feel more positive about the direction of your future the glass is suddenly half full. so, well done, aries! you’ve been patient and life and love are about to bring rewards, as is a phone call…

Call: 09058 170 710*

cancer 22 June–23 July

it’s time to stop living in the past. don’t regret the things you never did – the freedom that the events of the last three months have created mean you can do them now! try not to cancel the plans you’ve made to attend those important birthday or family celebratio­ns… Call: 09058 170 713*


24 Sept–23 Oct

you finally start to feel like your old self. the lethargy of the last few days begins to lift and you want to do things again. Jupiter’s going to help you realise some new dreams and you’ll stop setting yourself limitation­s. a certain person is also missing you, libra!

Call: 09058 170 716*

capricorn 22 Dec–20 Jan

you’ve come so far in the last year. however, you still believe that you need to see someone who makes you feel negative about yourself. Why are you forcing yourself to do so? you’ve got rights and it’s about time to voice them. don’t you agree?! Call: 09058 170 719*

taurus 21 April–21 May

mars is making it hard for you not to speak your mind, but try to remember who you’re talking to! if you’re not careful and respectful, then the honesty of your words will be taken away by the disrespect you show. romance will get a boost from venus on Wednesday.

Call: 09058 170 711*


24 July–23 Aug

the sky’s not the limit! there’s a whole universe out there beyond it. try writing down your feelings this week, as there are many new dreams and successful plans which can be created if you do. geminis are linked to a career opening that’s really worth seeking out.

Call: 09058 170 714*

scorpio 24 Oct–22 Nov

you may find it harder to get on with those close to you than you usually do. try not to feel too down, but work on rediscover­ing the things that you do have in common. it can form the base on which to build. short trips to better your career are sure to pay back tenfold. Call: 09058 170 717*

aquarius 21 Jan–19 Feb

the things on which you spend money now say an awful lot about how you’re feeling with your current ‘set-up.’ you know exactly what you want – and what you don’t – and some aquarians may even be taking legal action to ensure that they get their rights! Call: 09058 170 720*

gemini 22 May–21 June

you must understand that the limit on your happiness is set only by you. at the end of this week, you’ll discover that you were the one who was stopping yourself from living life to the full. you’re also the one who can set yourself free, as events on friday will begin to confirm.

Call: 09058 170 712*

virgo 24 Aug–23 Sept

fun times begin, and you’re letting go of everything that you can’t control. it’s worth confirming arrangemen­ts you may have for the month ahead yourself, rather than relying on what others have said. your element of earth sees many of you building bridges with family at last. Call: 09058 170 715*


try not to share the secrets you’ve been told by others. if you do, you’ll destroy the relationsh­ip you’ve worked so hard to build up this year. study’s currently very strong in your stars, so if there’s something new you’ve always wanted to try, then now’s the time to do it!

Call: 09058 170 718*


new beginnings and fresh starts are evident in your chart. you’re not scared of a challenge and know who can help and who’ll hinder your progress. don’t borrow or take out money, if either patience or more time can avoid you doing so. you’ll know why by next week… Call: 09058 170 721*

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