Pick Me Up!

Health & Happiness: A Lucky Find

Stacey’s boy is proof that mentalheal­th issues can strike at any age…

- Stacey Mills, 32, Hull

Living with bipolar personalit­y disorder for years, I understand better than most what my son Chesney’s going through.

And it truly breaks my heart – he’s only 9, but little Chesney ’s already battling depression.

It started in January this year.

He’d always been a happy child. But, suddenly, he wasn’t eating his meals, didn’t want to get up for school.

In fact, he didn’t even want to leave his room.

My husband David, 40, and I worried it was our fault.

‘Maybe we’ve spoilt him,’ I said to David, concerned.

Soon, his teachers at St Mary’s School were concerned about him, too.

‘Chesney won’t take part in anything,’ we were told. He was crying all the time, as well.

‘I don’t know what’s wrong!’ he’d sob when I asked him.

He revealed he often thought about his pets dying and wanted to go to heaven to see them.

The school referred Chesney to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), where he was assessed.

‘I cry a lot but don’t know why,’ he told the therapist.

The GP said that Chesney clearly had some form of depression, but we’d have to wait until he’s older for a formal diagnosis.

I couldn’t believe our little boy was struggling with mental-health problems at such a young age.

And though his depression wasn’t linked to my own disorder, I blamed myself.

‘You’re a good mum,’ David reassured me.

Chesney is waiting to start counsellin­g, and now has a wonderful one-to-one helper at school called Elaine. He opens up to her.

The school has been amazing in its support for Chesney.

You’d never think that depression could affect a child as young as my son – but, sadly, it really is possible.

No matter what your age, help is out there.

He didn’t want to leave his room, was crying all the time

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My poor lad was struggling
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