Pick Me Up!

The horse whisperer

her beloved pet was dying, but helen comerford, 59, from stratford-upon-avon, knew exactly who to call...


All the way to hospital, Morgan was sending Peace healing

When I became the owner of 3-year-old horse Peace in November 2009, I felt our bond was instant.

I knew what he was thinking. I heard his voice in my head.

I was certain we’d been together in a past life as Native Americans.

He was my soul mate. Then, one day in September 2015, I got up early as usual to go and see him.

But a girl from the stables where I kept him phoned me. ‘Something’s wrong with Peace,’ she told me. ‘I think it might be colic.’ In horses, colic – a serious stomach condition – can be life-threatenin­g. Panic-stricken, I asked my vet to meet me at the stables. I could hear Peace calling me in my mind. ‘Mummy, I’m dying!’ he said. My heart broke. Arriving, I took one look at Peace and I knew he had a dangerous form of colic where a horse’s gut becomes twisted. ‘It’s serious,’ the vet said. ‘We must get him to equine hospital to operate.’ Distraught, I rang my friend, psychic medium Morgan Class. She’d always been there for me. ‘Please help,’ I begged her, desperatel­y. ‘My horse is dying!’

‘He’ll live,’ she promised. ‘He’s coming home and you’ll ride him again.’

Stroking Peace’s neck, I led him onto a lorry to get him to the hospital. I was desperate to believe Morgan’s words.

All the way there, Morgan said she was sending poorly Peace healing.

‘There’ll be a surprise soon,’ she said.

But, at the hospital, vets gave Peace just a 30 per cent chance of surviving.

He was taken for surgery and I went home.

I was devastated, couldn’t face the thought of life without Peace.

When Morgan rang later, I told her what the vets had said about Peace’s chances.

‘No, he’s got a 100 per cent chance,’ she said. ‘My healing will give him strength.’

Incredibly, against the odds, Peace made it through. He’d suffered no lasting damage, and would make a full recovery. ‘A miracle,’ the vet said. Maybe. Certainly Morgan psychicall­y sent him healing.

Everyone at the hospital was astonished by how quickly Peace recovered from surgery.

He barely even had a scar.

Six days on, he came home, but I couldn’t ride him.

Only, as I fed Peace, he stared deep into my eyes.

He was saying I could sit on him.

As I lowered myself onto his back, I cried with joy.

Once again, Morgan had been right.

Now, Peace is back to his old self and I ride him every day.

I believe he’s only here because of Morgan.

She gave him the strength to pull through.

She is truly a force for good.

 ??  ?? I hear his voice in my head
I hear his voice in my head
 ??  ?? Peace – my soul mate
Peace – my soul mate
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Morgan was right again
Morgan was right again
 ??  ??

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