Pick Me Up!

Bingo winners

These two winners were thrilled when they struck big wins on Pick Me Up! Bingo

- Katherine Masson, 49, Inverness

I won a cool £1,000!

I’ve always loved a bit of bingo and I used to go to the bingo halls with friends. But life got busy and we just didn’t have the time to go any more. That’s when I joined

Pick Me Up! Bingo in 2013. I’d seen a story in the magazine about someone who’d hit the jackpot.

‘If I can win, you can too,’ she’d said.

And she had a point. ‘I’ll give it a go,’ I decided, signing up.

My husband, Raymond, 66, enjoyed bingo, too, so he signed up as well. We had so much fun, often playing side by side.

I even made a few friends in the chatrooms. ‘They’re a right laugh,’ I giggled to Raymond.

Over the years we both had a few small wins. Then in August 2017, Raymond won £1,000 playing Tiki Bingo.

He was chuffed to bits and I was so happy for him.

‘Treat yourself,’ he said, handing me £500 of his winnings. I was over the moon and decided to save the money.

I mostly played bingo in the evenings. And it was no different in September 2017. I felt like a relaxing evening, so after a bath, I got into bed and logged into Pick Me Up! Bingo.

Then I bought a few tickets for Tiki Bingo and watched as my first game played out.

Suddenly, I only needed one more number. This is it,

I thought. When my number was called, I sprang out of bed. I’ve won, I realised, doublechec­king my numbers. Sure enough, I’d scooped £1,000. I dashed downstairs. ‘I’ve just won a grand!’ I said. ‘I can’t believe it!’ Raymond kept saying. ‘And just four weeks after my win, too.’ We were over the moon. And I knew just what I wanted to spend my winnings on. It’s my 50th birthday in May, so I wanted to celebrate.

‘How about a family trip to Blackpool?’ I suggested. Everyone was so excited. So that’s what I’m putting my winnings towards – a week-long family getaway to celebrate my big birthday.

I just can’t wait to spoil my two daughters, 28 and 25.

Raymond and I still can’t believe we both hit the jackpot just weeks apart.

We’ll be sure to raise a glass to Pick Me up! Bingo. Cheers!

Rubbing hair dye into a lather, I sat on the toilet seat while it set.

It was November 2015 and my partner Julian, 45, was downstairs watching TV.

Waiting for the colour to set, I played bingo on my phone.

I’d joined Pick Me Up! Bingo the year before and it kept me entertaine­d. I bought tickets for Sapphire.

I watched the games play out, then realised I needed one number to win the jackpot!

A few minutes passed and a message flashed on the screen, telling me I was a winner. Excited, I ran downstairs.

‘I’ve just won £1,000 on the bingo,’ I cried to Julian.

With Christmas coming up, we bought our four grandkids even more gifts. We got them toys, clothes and gadgets. I thought that was that. But in August last year I was in for another surprise…

It was getting late, so I decided to have a few games of bingo. I bought tickets for Sapphire and Bingo Lounge. As my games finished, I got up to turn my laptop off.

But just as I did, a message flashed up.

When I looked closely, I realised I’d won £2,721!

Julian was about to get into bed, so I ran up to tell him. ‘I’ve won again!’ I said. ‘Yeah right,’ he said.

‘It’s true!’ I laughed. ‘£2,721!’

That night we chatted about what to spend it on.

A holiday, a shopping spree, a designer handbag.

Next morning, we’d decided.

We wanted a new cooker, and a carpet for the lounge – we even had enough to each get a new mobile and laptop.

It’s great. I really can’t thank Pick Me Up! Bingo enough.

I never thought I’d end up being a double winner.

I never, ever thought that I’d be a double winner! Susanne Westwood, 50, Powys

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I just can’t wait to spoil my girls
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