Pick Me Up!

Dump if no trust there?

- Tori, 37 Belfast

I’m worried my boyfriend is lying about cheating on me, even though I have no proof. He’s been staying at work later than normal, he talks a lot about this new girl in his team, and he goes out drinking with his workmates.

We don’t live together, but we’ve been dating for around 18 months. There’s just something inside me that doesn’t trust him. When I stay over at the weekends he’s usually too hungover or tired to have sex, and it’s always me who initiates it. I’ve asked if he’s seeing someone else and he is adamant he isn’t.

People always tell me you should end a relationsh­ip if there’s no trust there. But can I end it without evidence?


Pick Me Up! reader Helen Brown says, ‘You don’t trust him, full stop! If there isn’t any trust left in your relationsh­ip then there is nothing. Even if he isn’t cheating, there’s still no real reason to stay together. He’s not interested in sex, you’re not happy... Why stay in an unsteady and unhappy relationsh­ip? Move on for both your sakes – life’s too short to stay with someone who doesn’t make you happy!’


Pick Me Up! reader Gillian Mckinnon says, ‘I’d never trust anyone 100%, but your instincts are worth listening to. He’s probably picking up on your doubts and could be distancing himself from you. Communicat­e, but not through accusation­s – just explain your insecuriti­es and give him the opportunit­y to offer you some reassuranc­es. Don’t allow your doubts to define your relationsh­ip.’

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