Pick Me Up!

Your stars!

7 days of hope & happiness with Claire Petulengro


aries 21 March–20 April

You’ve come so far from where you started and I know you’ve done well. You on the other hand are still overanalys­ing what you think others’ reactions really mean. You’re wrong, as this week soon reveals. Accept the help coming your way. Call: 09058 170 710*

taurus 21 April–21 May

Believe you can and you’re halfway there Taurus. I see you’ve spent far too much time watching other people’s lives since this year began when you should have been working on enjoying your own. An apology is headed your way that moves all the goal posts in love. Call: 09058 170 711*

gemini 22 May–21 June

Family stress is evident in your chart, but try to remember that you can only help in the areas you understand. Beware of trying to take on too much or you will only end up frustrated. An old work contact holds the key to you sorting out a new work issue on Thursday. Call: 09058 170 712*

Cancer 22 June–23 July

Try not to miss any long-arranged appointmen­ts this week or you will only kick yourself later. You may feel tired now, but you’ll feel a whole lot stronger once you have put certain projects behind you. Leos hold the key to a financial issue that needs sorting out. Call: 09058 170 713*

leo 24 July–23 Aug

You can love someone, but that doesn’t mean you will understand them 24/seven, does it Leo? Some very mixed signals and changes to arrangemen­ts see you not knowing what to think. Wait and listen when others speak and I know you’ll be in for a pleasant surprise. Call: 09058 170 714*

virgo 24 Aug–23 Sept

Venus the planet of love is up to her old tricks and starts to play with your emotions. If you have any big decisions to make then make sure you do so before the end of this week or you will only create more problems. Follow your heart and success is guaranteed. Call: 09058 170 715*

libra 24 Sept–23 Oct

Close ones are not making your life the easiest place to be in recent days. Try to work on your self-esteem in the days ahead. For many of you Librans it really is a case of others believing in you if you believe in yourself too. Fun times link to saying yes to a very old friend. Call: 09058 170 716*

scorpio 24 Oct–22 Nov

Optimism is essential to achievemen­t and it is also the foundation of courage. You start to realise this week what is possible and what is not. You have grown in so many ways in recent days and I hope you know how impressed your loved ones are. Call: 09058 170 717*

sagittariu­s 23 Nov–21 Dec

This is a really good week to cut the things out of your life that no longer give you any pleasure. No addiction or habit is too much for you to say goodbye to. Leave those influences from the past where they belong. Your future is waiting. Call: 09058 170 718*

Capricorn 22 Dec–20 Jan

If you wanted to learn something new or to add a new string to your bow, then this is your week for success. A split between two people you know has a domino effect on your friendship circle. Don’t take sides as nothing is yet what it seems and won’t be for at least another week. Call: 09058 170 719*

aquarius 21 Jan–19 Feb

Changes to your dayto-day routine may be hard to adjust to but are sure to be to your advantage in the long run, so try to hang in there. A face you did not think you would see again will be seeking you out. Think about what you want from them by Tuesday. Call: 09058 170 720*

pisces 20 Feb–20 March

Try not to be jealous of the success your close ones are having as I see from the stars that your time is near. If you support them now, then they are sure to support you in the same situation. The greeneyed monster will only bring up issues you’ve just moved on from. Call: 09058 170 721*

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