Pick Me Up!



Foot fetishes aren’t for everyone, but some people love it.

As a result, many women have cashed in by selling images and videos of their feet, as well as sending out used socks and shoes.

With enough dedication, women can earn thousands every month.


Lee, 49, from California, first got involved in the world of foot modelling when she was a teen.

Appearing on billboards at the age of

19, she knew they were her best feature.

‘Agents and photograph­ers figured out that my feet were the best part of me.

‘High arches, slender ankles, smooth skin, straight toes, I guess they were everything companies were looking for.

‘I became a registered foot model, whipping my socks off at every opportunit­y,’ Gweneth says.

After Gweneth’s husband passed away from cancer in 2000, she decided she needed a new lease of life and thereby joined illcitenco­unters.com.

‘I soon became a dominatrix with other men. Ordering them around and getting them to do whatever I pleased.

‘Eating food whilst in bondage wear. I absolutely loved taking control.

‘It was as much a thrill for them as for me and I was making a mint.

‘To take my career even further, I set up an Instagram account and quickly a theme became clear.

‘Men were admiring my feet, writing how they’d love to suck at my toes.

‘Of course from my modelling days I knew I had nice feet, but this was a whole new experience.’

Not shy from trying something new, Gweneth set up an Instagram account dedicated solely to her feet and quickly gained a huge following.

‘I set up the account in March 2018 and I would just snap photos of my feet.

‘By the pool, in bed, out and about, wearing fishnets, stilettos…

‘Even if my feet were a bit grubby, my followers would worship them.’

As a full-time job, Gweneth had to keep her feet in tip-top shape.

‘I would drink three litres of water a day to keep the cuticles hydrated, as well as eating a lot of fresh fish.

‘I used foot cream three times a day and wore a toe separator at the gym to stop them getting squished.

‘Every two weeks, I had a pedicure and foot massage.

‘It was expensive, but I was receiving £2,000 every month from fans, so it hardly bothered me!’

Now, Gweneth has taken her toe-tantalisin­g business even further and has clients coming to her home.

She allows her clients to indulge in their fantasies for £230 an hour.

‘They come and massage, lick, and take pleasure from my feet.

‘Most of my clients are high-flying men in their 30s and 40s. Their home life is not my concern.

‘For them, it’s an escape and if someone wants to come and kiss my feet in his lunch break, then so be it!’

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