Pick Me Up!

Frozen Nutella loaf


I’m a Nutella addict, so anything that involves the chocolate hazelnut spread is a winner in my book. Like a cheesecake but made in a loaf tin, this easy layered dessert looks impressive – and tastes utterly delicious. Better still, you can make it weeks ahead of time and keep it on ice.

1 x 400g tub Nutella

50g unsalted butter

200g Hobnobs (13–14 biscuits) 400g cream cheese

80g icing sugar, sifted

50g chopped roasted hazelnuts

1 Line a standard loaf tin (approx. 2lb or 1 litre) with cling film, completely covering the base and sides and making sure there’s plenty of excess overlappin­g the edges. I use three strips – one for each long side and one for the middle. Place a medium saucepan on the hob and turn the heat up high. You’ll also need a food processor (or a ziplock bag and a rolling pin) for crushing the biscuits, and a whisk.

2 Put 150g Nutella and the butter in the pan and melt, stirring often so they don’t burn. Meanwhile, blitz the biscuits in the food processor until they turn to crumbs, or you can put them in a ziplock bag and bash them with a rolling pin if you don’t have a food processor.

3 When the mixture in the pan has melted to a smooth chocolate paste, tip the biscuit crumbs into the pan and stir until combined. Pour this into the lined loaf tin and use the back of a spoon to press it down.

4 In a separate bowl, whisk the remaining Nutella with the cream cheese and sifted icing sugar until smooth. Tip this into the loaf tin and spread on top of the biscuit base.

5 Finish with the chopped hazelnuts, covering the surface right to the edges. Wrap the excess cling film over the top of the loaf to cover it and place in the freezer for 3 to 4 hours to set.

6 Remove from the freezer around 20 minutes before serving and slice with a sharp knife dipped in boiling water. If you don’t eat it all in one go, keep the rest of the loaf, well covered, in the freezer – it should last for 2 to 3 months.

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