Pick Me Up!

Your stars


ARIES 21 March–20 April

The summer is a time when you’re used to socialisin­g, but life has changed. You no longer view the world as the same place it was at the beginning of the year, and it’s not. What your sign was born to do, though, is move with the times, and with Mars as your ruling planet, current aspects promise me that what you want, you can get. What do you want?

Call: 09058 170 710*

LEO 24 July–23 Aug

Past memories come to mind with certain things that are talked about this week. You want to get to the bottom of things which have been left unfinished, and if this means you having to ask difficult questions that other people don’t really want to answer, then so be it. Remember that a lion is not a bull, and you are not in a China shop. Dignity to the fore, please.

Call: 09058 170 714*

SAGITTARIU­S 23 Nov–21 Dec

Mars makes it particular­ly difficult for you to keep to your decisions, so close ones can expect you to change your mind several times over the coming days and weeks. Knowing exactly what you expect from certain family members is key to you not falling out with them. Paperwork or emails you should have completed should be done with the help of a third party.

Call: 09058 170 718*

TAURUS 21 April–21 May

There is a selfish feel to your chart this week for a reason, Taurus. You’ve grown rather tired of doing things for others with nothing in return. The reason you didn’t say anything before is because you were waiting for a miracle. You’ll get your own miracle in the form of good news on a close one you have not seen for an age. Life finally begins to take shape again.

Call: 09058 170 711*

VIRGO 24 Aug–23 Sept

I can see that the need to speak to someone who is not willing to be spoken to right now is making it a rather frustratin­g week for you. Try to focus instead on what you need to get done in your own life. It’s what can even see you rising above those who have been putting you down in recent days and weeks. Some positive financial news is set to come when you least expect it.

Call: 09058 170 715*

CAPRICORN 22 Dec–20 Jan

A really courageous feel to your chart this week could see you taking on battles which are not really yours to fight. Knowing how far is too far to go can see you with more friends than enemies, after what I know has been an extremely emotive week for you, Capricorn. Finding out more details about a tempting offer is crucial to you avoiding wasting more of your valuable time.

Call: 09058 170 719*

GEMINI 22 May–21 June

Gemini, this life is not for complaint, but for satisfacti­on. What did the lockdown teach you about what you really want and what you miss? Or more importantl­y, who you miss? You’ll be going through a series of emotional changes in the days ahead and I want you to work on being the very best version of you. I know you can do it. You’re in there! Bring you out!

Call: 09058 170 712*

LIBRA 24 Sept–23 Oct

After what you have been through lately, you can eat problems for breakfast. You are a completely different person to who you thought you were, and the last few months have taught you that. You are so much braver than you ever knew, and so much stronger than you ever thought. I have to take this moment to say how incredibly proud I am of the Libran you’ve become. And so should you be.

Call: 09058 170 716*

AQUARIUS 21 Jan–19 Feb

Friends make it hard for you to stay friends, as they offer options which don’t sit very well with your conscience at all. Try to take a step back and give them time to see for themselves the error of their own ways. Learn from it – it may actually dictate how long you remain friends for. Going over paperwork can see a financial opportunit­y you were previously blind to. Ensure you utilise this.

Call: 09058 170 720*

CANCER 22 June–23 July

Talk is cheap this week, as you are going to be more than a little tempted to say something you really shouldn’t, just to get a reaction from your close ones. Be wary of the consequenc­es. Just remember, Cancer, that life is like photograph­y – we develop from the negatives. You’re older and wiser than you were before our pandemic. It’s time to use those skills.

Call: 09058 170 713*

SCORPIO 24 Oct–22 Nov

You are the one who has become the front person for an issue which you never even offered to be the spokespers­on for. Don’t you see, Scorpio, that recent world events have revealed you to those around you as a natural born leader. Your ability to rise with ease to a challenge is not so easy in love, though. Say sorry this week, where you know it’s due.

Call: 09058 170 717*

PISCES 20 Feb–20 March

The last few months have made you realise just how different you are from someone you thought you had a lot in common with. Words you speak to others this week drive this fact home more than ever before. Try not to make promises to younger signs you know you have no intention of keeping. In fact, you could actually do with making them a priority for once.

Call: 09058 170 721*

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