Pick Me Up!

Workout with your pooch!


Dog-friendly holiday specialist Canine Cottages has teamed up with fitness influencer Amy Lou Perry and her Insta-famous cockapoo Teddy to share a fun new workout for you and your pooch.

1. LUNGES - 8 reps with 4 sets on each leg.

For this exercise, use a treat as a lure to guide your pooch to weave through your legs during each lunge. Keeping a treat to their nose will help you achieve this. 2. PLANK - Aim for 60 seconds.

Whilst in the plank position, alternate your arms and give your furry friend a big high five. 3. SQUATS - 3 sets of 10 reps.

Squat whilst holding both your dog’s paws so they are

on their hind legs for added resistance. Warning: This

move can result in lots of dog kisses! 4. WALL SIT - Hold for up to 60 seconds.

Providing your dog isn’t too big, hold onto them for extra weight or alternativ­ely have them stand up and place their paws on your knees. 5. PUSH UPS - 3 sets of 8 reps.

Encourage your pooch to give you a high five after each press up.

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