Pick Me Up!



At the start of lockdown in 2020, Laura Schmidt, founder of Lovendu, started journallin­g to improve her mental health.

Laura began to feel the benefits of her new hobby, and created Lovendu with just £10 to share that experience (lovendu.co.uk)

Here, she shares the story behind Lovendu and her love of journallin­g.

What made you start journallin­g?

I’ve always struggled with my mental health, but during the start of 2020, I was at rock bottom. I think a lot of people in their 20s go through a stage of feeling completely lost, left behind, or not knowing what their purpose is.

I was going through a dark time, so I decided to start journallin­g about my feelings, and just wrote whatever was going on in my head on paper.

How did you start?

I bought myself a cute pink notebook and started writing down everything that I felt. It started off as pages and pages. We were in lockdown, so all I was doing was either journallin­g or watching Tiktok.

I fell in love with the process of journallin­g, so I knew I wanted to integrate it into my daily routine.

I’ve journalled every day since!

What positive effects did you notice?

Before I started journallin­g, I struggled with insomnia quite frequently.

However, once I started journallin­g, this happened more and more rarely.

It’s hard to explain, but I felt like my head was getting clearer. I had more control over my thoughts and my head wasn’t ‘foggy’ anymore.

Journallin­g helped me off-load some of my negative thoughts and helped me see a clearer picture.

What made you start Lovendu?

Once I realised how much journallin­g had helped me, I wanted to share it with others.

I had the knowledge and experience to create a guided journallin­g experience specifical­ly for mental health – I have a degree in Psychology and masters in Forensic Mental Health. I’ve also suffered from chronic mental health issues.

I felt like I could merge this all and create gorgeous products that really helped people.

What is your aim with Lovendu?

I am trying to become the best version of myself I can be.

I want Lovendu to become the ultimate brand for wellness and mental health. I want to help women find their purpose, be happy and feel good!

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