Pick Me Up!

A woman’s prerogativ­e


The idea of a woman having an orgasm is often seen as an uncomforta­ble topic to discuss. But did you know having regular orgasms can be good for your health? Therapist and author Marisa Peer explains why.

Deeper sleep

Orgasms are a great way to unwind at bedtime.

Climaxing releases the hormone prolactin which makes you feel more relaxed and helps you benefit from deeper, more consistent sleep.

Pain relief

The body’s natural painkiller­s – endorphins and oxytocin – that we release at orgasm help us deal with aches and pains.

It acts as an analgesic and almost doubles women’s pain tolerance, providing relief for everything from period pains to rheumatoid arthritis.

More muscle

Women release small amounts of testostero­ne at orgasm which helps muscle retention.

This is important for women as when they age they tend to lose muscle mass.

Improved complexion

An orgasm releases beneficial hormones including oestrogen and collagen in the body.

The result is younger, glowing skin as well as being a great way to keep spots at bay.

Healthier hair

Increased blood flow to the scalp also helps boost hair growth and results in shinier, healthy hair.

Improved immune system

Orgasms increase leukocytes which help lower inflammati­on and boost natural killer cells.

Research has found regular orgasms can also help to keep heart disease, diabetes, migraines, stomach ulcers and even coughs and colds at bay whilst promoting bone health and tissue repair.

Mental health

Orgasms flood the body with oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, which is a veritable pharmacy of positive wellbeing.

It can help to lift a low mood and the afterglow stays with us for up to 48 hours.

Having an orgasm boosts body confidence as the pleasurabl­e sensation makes us appreciate ourselves and we become increasing­ly comfortabl­e with how we look.

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