Pick Me Up!

It might be your calling...


Colin Chatten, 50, from Merseyside Why is it important to break stereotype­s about fostering?

There are too many potentiall­y great foster parents out there that are unaware of their own potential.

Foster parents come from all walks of life and are not restricted by gender, relationsh­ip status, colour or religion.

People need to realise that they can foster rather than think that they can’t.

Share your fostering experience...

It is not possible to fully share the feeling that comes from seeing the eyes of a child change when they begin to feel safe for the first time – you have to experience it for yourself.

It makes all of the trials and tribulatio­ns of fostering instantly worth it.

It can take a lot of patience and work to help a young person get to that point, but boy it is worth it.

What’s something that nobody actually knows about being a foster parent?

Sometimes we don’t feel like going into work, then we realise that we live there.

That can really take a bit of adjusting to, but you will get used to it.

We also can have gigantic immediate families.

I have well over twenty children and a few grandchild­ren, and my family grows bigger every year – it’s brilliant.

What would you say to someone who isn’t sure of the idea?

to someone who knows.

They are not double glazing salespeopl­e, you are under no obligation and won’t be pressured.

How can you know if it is for you or not, unless you actively enquire?

It might just be your calling.

If you could give everyone one word of advice about fostering what would it be?

Have an open mind.

It can be a difficult job, but you will be surprised at just what you are capable of. Some of the best foster parents I have known often don’t have a lot of parenting experience but are open minded about fostering.

It’s advocacy, taxi driving, example setting and sometimes cuddles. Don’t be afraid to give your heart to these kids, you might get hurt sometimes but it’s worth it.

You need to have an open mind about it

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