Portsmouth News

When the sun goes in and the rain starts, head for the flicks


Greetings Chipsters everywhere! How are you all doing? Did you have fun over the weekend? We had lots of plans for Saturday and Sunday that ended up being complete wash-outs.

There was the barbecue on the beach that had to be cancelled because of the wind, and a walk in the countrysid­e that we couldn’t go on because of the rain (although I love muddy puddles!).

You would hardly think it was summer at all if you looked out the window right now.

Instead of the trip to the seaside we decided to see Aladdin at the cinema, in Port Solent.

My good old dad drove me and my friends, including Brindley Milligan, there but when we arrived we discovered it was sold out! We couldn’t believe it. It appeared everyone had had the same idea to escape from the terrible weather – head to the flicks. We had loaded our backpacks up with loads of sweets and fizzy drinks and it looked like we’d have to head home.

Then Brindley realised we had five minutes to go before the film Secret Life of Pets 2 (pictured) started so we hastily bought some new tickets and ran in to catch the film trailers starting.

It was absolutely hilarious! We laughed from start to finish. I didn’t want it to end. The other thing that kept me busy was watching the brilliant Women’s Football World Cup.

It’s been riveting so far and the level of skill from the players is incredible.

I’m torn because I obviously want England to win, but I drew Spain in my school class’s sweepstake.

I wonder who will get the glory? Chip, chip for now, your old friend, Chipper.

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