Portsmouth News

‘Justice’ for mum after pervert jailed

‘It’s had a huge impact on our family ... my child has had sleepless nights’


A YOUNG boy abused by a pervert has been crying himself to sleep and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, his mother has revealed.

Jay Bezer, 31, was convicted by jurors after a Portsmouth Crown Court trial. He denied touching the boy.

Now the Portsmouth boy’s mother has spoken out about the trauma brought on her family after Bezer was jailed for three years.

She said: ‘It’s had a huge impact on my child, and us as a family.

‘My child has had lots of sleepless nights where he’s cried himself to sleep and couldn’t understand why Bezer was able to walk the streets.

‘Thankfully justice was served as all 12 jury members found him guilty.’

She added: ‘There have been times when we’ve wanted to go out as a family but I’ve had to risk-assess the whole trip in case (Bezer) was there.

‘It’s affected him – he’s been diagnosed with PTSD and is undertakin­g therapy. We’ve had to remain as strong as possible to get him through this, however there have been times when I’ve cried myself to sleep.

‘I’ve never wanted him to see me upset. Sitting in court listening to the sentence, I didn’t realise it was going to go so much into what actually happened. I completely broke down, it was just horrific to hear.’

Drunken security guard Bezer, previously of Agincourt Road, Buckland, abused the boy last summer on one day.

It came to light when the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told his mother.

The mother added: ‘Under the current climate with cuts, police did an outstandin­g job. We were treated with respect and dignity and thank goodness we have services that provide support.’

Bezer must sign the sex offenders' register for life, and is subject to a 10-year sexual harm prevention order, restrictin­g contact with children.

For support call Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counsellin­g Service’s women's helpline on (023) 9266 9511 or men’s helpline on (023) 9266 9516, open from 7pm to 10pm on Wednesday to Friday, and 1pm to 3pm on Mondays.

Call Samaritans on 116 123.

 ??  ?? JAILED Jay Bezer
JAILED Jay Bezer

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