Portsmouth News

EU subterfuge


I wonder if any of your readers can tell me who wrote this?

‘Europe’s nations should be guided towards the Super-State without their people understand­ing what is happening.

‘This can be accomplish­ed by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose which will eventually and irreversib­ly lead to a Federation’.

Well, the answer is these words are contained in a letter written to a friend by Jean Monet, the founding father of the EU on April 30, 1952.

Little did he know it was this economic subterfuge (deceit used to achieve one’s goal) that in the end would be the fatal flaw in his dystopian vision.

For although the EU has been precisely following his blueprint, the plan is fatally flawed for people have twigged. In the case of the UK Brexit vote it only managed to fool 48 per cent of Brits and now only fools half of Europe as it starts to painfully unravel, so now it’s a close call for who’s next to leave the EU.

My money is on France under Marine Le Pen but it could be one of what the EU rather unflatteri­ngly refers to as the ‘PIIGS’ countries of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain who are still struggling mightily to fit into the euro which is why (Ireland excepted) they have such high levels of unemployme­nt, because if you can’t devalue your own currency or control your own interest rates then to remain competitiv­e you have to cut labour costs….it’s really just basic economics. T Gardiner Carisbrook­e Road, Gosport

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