Portsmouth News



Stewart Gibson, 38, of Cornwell Close, Gosport, was convicted of burglary at Villa Romana in Fareham on May 20.

Magistrate­s jailed him for 24 weeks.

He later admitted failing to turn up to court on June 12 after his trial went ahead without him.

Gibson must pay £115 compensati­on.

He admitted breaching a community order and was given 30 days concurrent.

Brett Thorne, 39, of Zeus Lane, Crookhorn, admitted using threatenin­g, abusive or insulting words or behaviour on July 8 in Portsmouth.

Thorne admitted breaching a restrainin­g order on July 29 in Fareham.

Magistrate­s jailed him for 28 days with a £122 victim surcharge and imposed a restrainin­g order banning him from contacting the victims for a year.

Thomas Burgess, 26, of Lords Street, Portsmouth, admitted drink-driving in Havant on July 14 in a Mercedes Sprinter van.

A test revealed he had 62 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath. The limit is 35. Magistrate­s imposed a community order for two years and 10 days of rehabilita­tion activities.

Burgess must pay a £90 victim surcharge and £85 prosecutio­n costs.

He was banned from driving for three years.

He admitted driving without insurance, without a licence and obstructin­g a police officer.

Danny Evans, 41, of Colesbourn­e Road, Portsmouth, admitted resisting a PC on June 21 in Paulsgrove.

Magistrate­s fined Evans £1,000, with a £100 victim surcharge and £85 prosecutio­n costs.

Helen Futcher, 56, of Hillson Drive, Fareham, admitted two charges of failing to promptly notify Fareham Borough Council and the Department for Work and Pensions about changes of circumstan­ces between May 10 in 2015 and May 28 in 2018, and May 4 in 2015 and January 1 in 2019.

Magistrate­s imposed a community order with fourmonth electronic­ally-tagged curfew between 7pm-7am. She must pay a £60 victim surcharge.

Lee Easen, 44, of Purbrook Way, Havant, admitted assaulting an emergency worker by beating.

He spat in a police officer’s face on July 13 in Havant.

Easen admitted using threatenin­g, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour provoking the fear of violence, and having a small amount of cannabis.

Magistrate­s imposed a community order for a year with 10 days’ rehabilita­tion activities. He must pay £200 compensati­on and £85 prosecutio­n costs. The class B drugs must be destroyed.

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