Portsmouth News

Readers’ own views


Proposals put forward in the Centre for Social Justice’s report prompted an animated response by readers of The News.

In a Facebook appeal to gauge local opinion on the idea more than 100 comments were made.

Stephen Vernon, from Gosport, said the issue raises a ‘really difficult question’.

‘As someone who is in his 50s who rents and has very little savings, the thought of having to work another 20+ years isn’t good,’ he remarked.

‘But then with all the above in mind, I don’t see how I can afford to retire so I may have no choice other than to work on.’

Denise Bishop said: ‘Surely if the pension stays as it is then as people retire it would open up more jobs for the young people, apart from the fact it should be our choice to either retire or carry on working.

‘I would like to enjoy some of my old age before I die.’

Meanwhile, Shirley Work added: ‘Been out of work for a year. I’m 60.

‘The only work I have done is working behind the bar at Victorious last year. I don’t think my body will allow it again this year.

‘I have no strength in my fingers any more, that’s what age does to us.

‘Would you want your child at nursery looked after someone who is 74? Would you expect someone to drive an ambulance at 74?

‘Who would run our care homes, or then again I suppose there wouldn’t be many care homes because they will be working?

‘Never heard anything so ridiculous to work to 75.’

Got a view on this story? If so, please email letters@thenews.co.uk

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