Portsmouth News

Head teacher’s results day tips for stress

Simon’s advice is . . . don’t panic and don’t compare yourself to others


WITH thousands of Hampshire children due to collect their GCSE results, one of Portsmouth’s top headteache­rs has offered his advice to nervous teenagers.

Simon Graham, headteache­r at St Edmund’s Catholic School – the city’s top performing state school for the last three years – has told youngsters ‘not to panic’ if they don’t get the results they hoped for and ‘not to compare yourself to others’.

In what is always a nervewrack­ing occasion for children and schools, Mr Graham has spoken to The News about his top tips to tackle the stress of results day and how to deal with any disappoint­ments.

Simon said:


1 ‘First of all, whilst exam results are important, it is important that young people realise it is not make or break for their life chances. It is not the be all and end all but a reflection of how they have performed over a set period of time.

It is not life defining as young people will have other opportunit­ies to showcase their talents in the future.’


2 ‘Don’t compare yourself to other people. Look at how you have performed in relation to your own targets to assess how you have done.’


3 ‘If you have not got the results you hoped for then see how far you are away from the grade boundaries and consider asking for a remark.

Marks can sometimes be changed.

Last year we had a student in a subject who we expected to get a nine and ended up with a six. We thought there was no way they could have fallen this far and so we put in for a remark and the result was changed.’


4 ‘It is important for students to keep their results slips and to take them into school or college if they are going to challenge any results.

Speak to teachers to get advice on what to do next, particular­ly in relation to resitting examinatio­ns or appealing results.’

 ??  ?? STRESSFUL TIME Students are anxious if they have made the grade
STRESSFUL TIME Students are anxious if they have made the grade
 ??  ?? ADVICE Head Simon Graham
ADVICE Head Simon Graham

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