Portsmouth News


Mum’s warning after son died in freak motorbike accident


A DISTRAUGHT mother has urged young men to give up motorcycle­s after her teenage son died in a freak accident.

Aaron Bache, came off his motorcycle having been caught by a gust of wind and hit a lamppost, an inquest heard.

Now his mother Julia has warned others to ditch motorbikes over safety. She said: ‘I didn’t want my son to have that bike. His life was stolen and I’d do anything I could to change it. I can’t turn back the clock.’

A GRIEVING mum has paid tribute to her much-loved son who died in a freak accident – and has urged other young men to ditch motorbikes over safety concerns.

Hotel bar worker Aaron Bache, 19, died at the roadside in Grange Road, Gosport, when he hit a lamppost having come off his white KXR 125cc motorbike.

An inquest this week heard that he lost control of his bike having been hit by a gust of wind that was up to 30mph.

Portsmouth Coroner’s Court heard Mr Bache, one of three brothers, was riding ‘completely normally’ when he went past a break in the tree line and was destabilis­ed by a sudden gust of strong wind.

Motorists saw his bike wobble before Mr Bache took his feet off the pegs on March 7 at 12.43pm. The bike then hit the kerb and the teenager fell, rolling along the ground and hitting a lamppost.

Speaking after a coroner ruled the death was accidental, his mum Julia Bache, 50, called for young men to ditch motorbikes and get plenty of experience before taking on more powerful bikes.

She told The News: ‘I didn’t want my son to have that bike. I kept saying to him he’s going to come off it.’

‘This was a freak accident. His life was stolen and I’d do anything I could to change it. I can’t turn back the clock, I can’t. That’s the cruellest thing in life. I should be able to make everything right and look after my boys and I just can’t help him.’

The inquest on Thursday, attended by Aaron’s girlfriend Grace Welton, heard Aaron was a bar worker at various hotels.

Mum-of-three Julia, of Holbrook, Gosport, said he was on his way to the Meon Valley for work, and had only gone along Grange Road as another street was shut.

‘He went the other way. It was just the wrong place at the wrong time,’ she said.

‘He was a very, very good boy. He would have done well in life, which was very sad. He enjoyed his life, he was very well liked. He had a good future. Mostly he loved going out with his friends. He spent most of the time with his brothers – between them they were a force to be reckoned with – they had each other’s backs.’

Julia revealed how she was unable to return to work taking calls about other people’s accidents for an insurance company after her son’s death. Brothers Jimmy, 23, and Mark, 17, were sitting alongside their mum Julia at the inquest when they heard that the crash split his aorta and spleen, the latter causing significan­t abdominal bleeding.

Aaron, who had passed a compulsory riding test on February 5 last year, had been staying with his grandmothe­r Maureen Bache, on the day of his death. She said: ‘I said to him “go carefully on the bike, it’s not just windy out there it’s very gusty, just go carefully”.’

Pathologis­t Dr Adnan Al-badri said a 2cm benign tumour was discovered in Aaron’s brain, which could have caused headaches, dizziness or fits.

It ‘could have been operable’ but was benign and slow growing with Mr Bache having had it ‘for years,’ the pathologis­t said.

Blood tests were undertaken and no alcohol was found. Cannabis was found but no levels were given.

Police said they could not rule it out as a contributo­ry factor.

Ruling the teenager’s death an accident, coroner John Matthews said: ‘To me the overwhelmi­ng evidence in this case shows that he was driving completely normally as seen by witnesses until he suddenly lost control, going at normal speed, stopping at give way lines, nothing to indicate anything going wrong with his driving.

‘I’m discountin­g both cannabis and the brain tumour.

‘The cause of this accident, I think the overwhelmi­ng case, is he had been suddenly, without warning, blown by a strong gust of wind when he reached the tree line.’ He added a ‘far more experience­d driver’ would have been affected the same way. Mr Matthews added: ‘It’s a freak accident which has occurred.’

 ??  ?? TRAGEDY Aaron Bache
TRAGEDY Aaron Bache
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 ??  ?? LOVING: Aaron Bache with girlfriend Grace, and his grieving mum Julia, inset below
LOVING: Aaron Bache with girlfriend Grace, and his grieving mum Julia, inset below

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