Portsmouth News

Cyclists abused – despite riding their bikes on a shared pathway


CYCLISTS are being subjected to abuse by pedestrian­s on a popular pathway – despite doing nothing wrong.

People on push bikes travelling along Duisburg Way in Southsea are being told to ‘get off ’ their bikes while being on the receiving end of hostile behaviour.

This is despite the route actually being a shared pathway but, due to the small signs, many people appear to be unaware of the reality.

Southsea resident Pat Huxtable, who frequently rides her bike on the path, said: ‘I am sick of being picked on by pedestrian­s who don’t know it is a shared pathway.

‘This may be because there are no cycle pictures along that long stretch of pavement, except at the ends.

‘There are circular signs on some of the posts depicting a cycle and pedestrian­s.

‘But very often, because they are small, they’re missed – especially now as the shrubbery has grown up.

‘I have been told on several occasions to ‘get off your ******* bike’.

‘They still continue with stupid remarks even when I tell them it is shared path. I have never received an apology.’

Baffins ward councillor Lynne Stagg, who referred the case to a cycling officer who is currently looking into the matter, said: ‘We are restricted in the number and size of the on-street notices we can use.

‘I agree that those illustrati­ng a cycle and people path are quite small.

‘I'm not sure what we can do physically but there is a need to educate some of our residents, particular­ly those with a limited vocabulary.’

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