Portsmouth News

Public space to promote diversity


A NEW public space celebratin­g the city’s diversity and local culture is to be unveiled.

The ChatterBox Pavilion is a public art installati­on to be located at the end of Guildhall Walk that will be in place from Friday, September 27 . It will create a public space designed to promote multicultu­ral integratio­n.

The installati­on consists of a series of timber frames with several spinning panels that can be pushed by the users to reveal their ‘two opposite faces’. Users can learn about migration through interactiv­e images, artwork, illustrati­ons and textual informatio­n.

The project is part of a longterm partnershi­p between the University of Portsmouth’s School of Architectu­re and the city council.

Councillor Darren Sanders, cabinet member for housing, said: ‘It’s great to see so many groups come together to create such a useful and interestin­g piece of art, which transforms this unused space. We should be celebratin­g the diversity and multicultu­ralism of residents in Portsmouth.’

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