Portsmouth News

Jackett will focus search on key areas

Boss to narrow search for new recruits to couple of key areas


KENNY Jackett has revealed squad harmony is set to have an impact on his January recruitmen­t.

The Pompey boss is planning to narrow his search for playing resources to a couple of key areas, which he believes can make a big difference to his side’s promotion hopes.

But Jackett explained he will guard against bloating his options and unsettling what is currently a happy camp amid the Blues’ improving form.

Pompey can currently call upon a squad of 25 players, although that includes youngster Matt Casey and the injured Brandon Haunstrup.

With Jack Whatmough closing in on a return, Jackett feels that number is about right to maintain a charge to go up over the second half of the League One campaign.

And being able to offer a realistic path to minutes on the pitch is a key area in the recruitmen­t work ahead.

Jackett said: ‘I don’t think we need high numbers necessaril­y, but some key positions.

‘I couldn’t necessaril­y say what they are, but if there’s some key positions we can improve, that will make a big difference.

‘It’s true (you could get an unexpected signing arise). You have to put that against the budget, number one, and being able to strengthen in the areas you want. That’s juggling really.

‘But it’s very true that people can see (a path to playing). They may not be happy out of the team, but if you’re going down to the bench or you’re in and around it that’s okay, really. You’re in competing distance.

‘If you’ve got three, four or five senior players sat in the stand and not getting changed on a regular basis, that’s tough really.

‘I think we’ve got the numbers about right.

‘There’s no-one out of it. Anton (Walkes) was 19th man for a period, but he’s got back in and around it.

‘Probably the only one who’s been right out of it for a steady period of time is Luke McGee. He’s the only senior player, and that’s been down to the form of (Craig) MacGillivr­ay and (Alex) Bass.’

Jackett feels being up front with the players is key.

He added: ‘It’s honesty and some constant dialogue.

‘My expectatio­n as manager is you can’t do it at your club with just 11.

‘Tell me a way I can do it with 11? That’s a question I do ask them (the players).

‘Then it’s a team sport. It’s a team game so you need to commit to the team and work hard for each other

‘When you do get down to the individual situations, an honest assessment is really important – particular­ly when there’s a window coming up because they can’t do much between them.’

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