Portsmouth News

Concern over incorrect parking zone warnings

Letters sent to 91 with permits


A NEW parking zone in Southsea has already sparked concerns among residents after around 100 motorists were incorrectl­y issued with warning notices.

Portsmouth City Council has apologised for the gaffe that saw 91 residents living within the ME zone, which started on February 3, sent warning letters despite having valid permits.

The zone is bordered by Goldsmith Avenue, Highland Road, Chestnut Avenue and Winter Road, and requires residents to have permits if parking between the hours of 4.30pm and 6.30pm.

Kevin McKee, the council’s parking manager, said: ‘As soon as we were made aware of the warning notices being given out in error, we identified an IT issue and put additional checks in place.

‘The notices were only to warn people parking in the area that they needed a permit.

‘If someone has bought a permit and received a warning, they do not need to take any further action.

‘I apologise for any concern caused.’

However, opposition traffic spokesman at the council, Councillor Simon Bosher, had concerns about the zone in general.

He said: ‘The roll out of the ME parking zone has become embarrassi­ng.

‘Not only is it creating parking misery for those residents living to the east of the zone, but it’s now creating worry and concern for residents inside the zone who’ve paid for their permits but are now receiving warning letters.’

It was hoped ME would counteract displaceme­nt caused by the other nearby zones.

But some believe the new zone had just shifted the problem.

Maxwell Road resident, Charlotte Gerada, said: ‘It’s absolutely packed.

‘I’ve noticed vans that were parked on the opposite road – Aston, which is in the new zone – are now parking down Maxwell.

‘Clearly some people aren’t paying for permits.

‘Some vans haven’t moved at all.

‘I think that they will be staying down my road for some time.’

Amanda Donovan, who lives in Brompton Road which is within the zone, added: ‘I haven’t seen so many spaces for a long time.

‘I feel sorry for those who are suffering from the displaceme­nt.’

A total of 1,500 permits have been issued in the ME zone.

 ??  ?? TICKET A car that was ticketed by Portsmouth City Council in Southsea after parking in the MC residents’ parking zone
TICKET A car that was ticketed by Portsmouth City Council in Southsea after parking in the MC residents’ parking zone

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