Portsmouth News

People not politician­s


I thought that Val Petrie’s Letter of the Day on October 1 was dead right as she highlighte­d that the fault for the spread of Covid-19 is down to us, the public, and not the fault of politician­s, certainly not Boris.

How many people hand on heart can say they’ve been totally compliant with whatever rules the government has introduced to try and stop the spread of the virus? Not too many I would wager.

Those who say the rules are too complicate­d to understand are either too thick or are just copping out of their social responsibi­lities. I mean, what’s so hard to understand about keeping two metres apart and wearing a face mask or face shield indoors? It’s simple.

In the USA they have identified through their own track and trace system one ‘Super Spreader’ who travelled from New York to Harvard University infecting 98,000 other people in the process, and it’s now feared the virus could be airborne so particles hang around in the air as well as hard surfaces.

This is why it’s important not to stay in confined spaces and explains a lot. At the beginning of the pandemic they isolated people on their cruise ships, and although

It will be their own fault if they find upon graduating there are no jobs for them TOM GARDINER

confined to their cabins they still got sick. The air below decks is poor quality and if the virus is indeed airborne it can easily spread through the ship’s ventilatio­n system and the same applies to the recycled air on aircraft.

Going by the usual bad and antisocial behaviour we’ve come to expect from a minority of university students who were filmed partying and which has been posted online, it appears as if they just don’t care if they become infected, and care even less if they infect others, especially members of their own family and the public at large.

It will be their own fault if they find upon graduating there are no jobs for them as the economy is still struggling to recover.

Tom Gardiner


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