Portsmouth News

Knight’s delight at contact return

Havant senior coach: ‘It’s a step closer to normality’


Havant senior coach Will Knight spoke of his delight as grassroots rugby took a 'step closer to getting back to normality'.

The whole of the sport's community in England are sure to be sharing a similar sentiment with a return to contact now cleared.

Knight, along with other coaches and clubs across the country, learnt on Monday that 15-a-side adapted friendly matches can take place from later this month while teams could return to training from yesterday with nationwide lockdown restrictio­ns lifted.

Following the news, Havant are in the process of arranging friendlies with Eastleigh, Camberely and Cobham as they plan a return to action.

With the first of those - a game against Eastleigh at Hooks Lane - to take place on either December 18 or 19 - within the first two days of when matches can resume under RFU guidelines.

Havant senior coach Knight and his squad now cannot wait to return to some kind of action after nine months without it.

‘We’re delighted, Obviously it’s a step closer to getting back to normality for us in the rugby world. It’s great,' said a delighted Knight.

‘We all knew there were going to have to be some adaptation­s to get started again at this stage.

‘As we go through the spring, hopefully with other things that are happening in the country, we will start to be able to reintroduc­e other elements of the game that are missing.

‘Already we’ve got a game scheduled for December 18 or 19 - a friendly game.

‘We’ve got Eastleigh, Cobham and Camberley hopefully coming up over the Christmas period.’

Havant were due back in training this week ahead of a return to contact matches this month. Knight feels with a fixture to look forward to the players will come back from the month-long lockdown with an added motivation. ‘All of a sudden we know that training can restart this week and it starts with a different emphasis because we’re working towards a competitiv­e game in a couple of weeks’ time, albeit a friendly game, but the lads are just dying to get out there and play it,' he added. It’s going to be hugely motivation­al.

The sooner we can get that going, the next challenge is the clubhouse and what we can do after the game.’

 ??  ?? WELCOME NEWS Havant senior coach Will Knight, right
WELCOME NEWS Havant senior coach Will Knight, right

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