Portsmouth News

There’s no comparison


As dear old departed Uncle Albert would say, ‘During the war...’ and there are an awful lot of people comparing the sacrifice of war to Covid-19.

I find that somewhat outrageous.

Men, some just boys, women and children all died for their country and their right to remain free.

Some had no choice. Their sacrifice was for a tomorrow and faced with restrictio­ns unknown to us, fear unknown to us but a bravery that will stand the time of study that nobody should be able to deny or prevent.

Rick Jackson, who is normally highly entertaini­ng offered a flippant view in his column last week ( It’s mad how some people think Covid is a conspiracy, December 3).

The lazy comparison of the ‘biggest threat to our civilisati­on since the Second World War,’ as Rick decides for us that the new vaccine should be taken by all and without question as coronaviru­s is such a threat.

He continues with lazy comparison by informing us that horrible diseases that have been virtually eradicated over the years, like polio, rubella, measles and diphtheria have been so with a vaccine.

They have Rick, yes, but they are not mandatory and their vaccines took years and years of study and manufactur­e, not just six months. In terms of conspiracy theories, the same hype that follows coronaviru­s around is all social media driven. That is for today and probably not what those who fought in the war would have expected for our futures with regards to restrictiv­e thinking and speaking and the now famouslyfo­rmed ‘wokers’ and ‘influencer­s’ who dictate our civilisati­on more so than any pandemic.

Rick is going to ignore all and

Anyone found guilty of drink/ drug-driving, should automatica­lly have their vehicle scrapped MALCOLM GARBUTT

grab a vaccine and, as he says: ‘If I go on to grow two heads, I’ll have to admit I was wrong,’ then that is his right to do so but it is not the choice of all.

There is a positive from this though, a DJ with two heads – one telling the other to be quiet while listeners try to hear a song play without interrupti­on, could actually catch on!

Dean Kimber North Shore, Hayling Island

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