Portsmouth News

‘It’s amazing to play even a small role in someone else’s life...’


It was through their experience of adopting a child that Sonja and John Polman truly realised how many young people were in need of foster homes in our area.

After their first child was born, they decided to expand their family and adopted a child nine years ago.

‘A lot of children are adopted before they turn four but we realised there were so many kids over the age of four who needed a home too,’ says Sonja, 47.

‘When you adopt, you’re offering a permanent home and they become part of your family.

‘When we moved house and had a spare bedroom, we thought we might as well foster.’

Since then, the couple – with help from Foster Portsmouth – have provided eight children with a home, whether that was for a weekend or a matter of years.

Jo h n , 5 0, ex p l a i n s : ‘ We have had some just for restbite care over a weekend, one for six weeks, one for four months and our 14-year-old has been with us for three-and-a-half years now.’

The Polmans, from Bognor Regis, explained that it has been hard at times, but they find fostering extremely rewarding.

‘You can’t really understand what it’s like until they come into your home. Some of the children have not had a normal life, so what we take for granted is not normal for them,’ says Sonja, who works as a nurse.

‘We took one of our foster children on holiday with us to North Yorkshire. She said she had never seen cows in a field before. Another one had never jumped in a puddle. We went on this long walk in torrential rain and they said it was the best day of their life.

‘It can be quite tear-jerking stuff.’

By opening up their home, all eight of their foster children have grown up in Bognor’s community and attended youth groups.

‘A l o t o f p e o p l e g ive t o charity and appeals, but giving your home, financial and emotional support to a child is very rewarding,’ says John, smiling.

And although it is hard, Sonja and John take pride in being a positive influence in a child’s life when they are struggling.

Sonja adds: ‘We had one girl come to us who wasn’t in a good place, was taking legal highs and drinking a lot.

‘She’s 20 now and studying for a health science degree. It’s amazing to play even a small role in someone else’s life.’

 ??  ?? HAPPY FAMILY Foster carers John and Sonja Polman.
HAPPY FAMILY Foster carers John and Sonja Polman.

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