Portsmouth News



Britain has a complex history of car-making. We made the E-type. The Mini. The Land Rover Defender. The Range Rover. The Lotus. We also made the Austin Princess and the Allegro.

Like I said, it’s a mixed bag. We’re now in a new car technology race. It’s come down to electric cars versus hydrogen cells. Tesla, among others, already has the lead but it’s not over by a long stretch. Electric cars take ages to charge and still need whopping batteries.

With that in mind (trumpet sound), bring on the Rasa! Britain's first hydrogenpo­wered car.

Here are the headlines and see how you feel at the end. It’s being made on a small Welsh industrial estate. It’s a quirky small car with gullwing doors. Light blue. It has a cruising speed of 60 mph and produces 12bhp. The range is 300 miles and takes only minutes to re-fuel. Plus, it’s far more environmen­tally friendly than the electric offerings. What do you think? Go on, buy one!

There's only one place in the UK that you can actually fill up at the moment and there are far more plug sockets for the electric cars. However, in order to climb a mountain it’s always one step at a time.

Could it be that we’re going to lead the world again in new technology?

Hugo Spowers the visionary behind the project said ‘dinosaurs weren't replaced by better dinosaurs’. He’s right. He has a vision not just for different cars but open source innovation. Low cost vehicles.

So, let's get ready for change.

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