Portsmouth News

War on drugs


For many years the authoritie­s in many countries have attempted to enforce their laws banning the use of drugs without a prescripti­on; such as the use of class A drugs like heroin and crack-cocaine.

The use of these drugs has never

this a fire safety measure .

On closer inspection I discover the cladding is timber cleverly designed in a ‘trompe l'oeil’ effect to look exactly like rusty corrugated iron.

I had not appreciate­d there was a present shortage of rusty corrugated iron of an architectu­ral quality and that this caused timber to be used as a substitute.

Hopefully this temporary arrangemen­t will shortly be removed and replaced with something in keeping with the buildings on the south side of Museum Road.

Last minute

Much like a student who does their homework the night before it's due,

While Boris Johnson may brag that he has a good deal, the reality is a little harsher


Boris Johnson has secured a trade deal with the EU at the last possible moment.

While he may brag that he has a good deal, the reality is a little harsher. Let's put aside that a UK fishing organisati­on has branded it a betrayal.

The EU have secured zero tariff, zero quota access to our markets for their goods. This is good for them as they export more goods to us than we do to them.

Meanwhile 80 per cent of the UK economy is services. There are no provisions for services in the deal so we're now a third party country with none of the advantages that went with EU membership.

Bank stocks lost three per cent of their value after news of the deal broke. Whoops.

There are some plus points of course. There will be more jobs for customs officers, business managers (country of origin rules) and faceless bureaucrat­s (who will get to discuss the details ad infinitum).

The grade? D for dissemblin­g.

Chris Moore Chatsworth Avenue, Cosham

Tier five

This covid virus has managed to mutate into something far worse than the original one, yet some selfish idiots still go out and mix with others, when they know that they should not.

I would like to know what is going on in their heads, probably nothing much. Where I sadly live, a lot of the people totally ignore the rules, no matter what warnings or tier they are in.

If you query why they are not wearing a face mask, the reply is on the lines of, "I've got a wart on my choo choo" or endless pathetic excuses.

Some sad and ignorant excuses for human beings actually get violent, just because you have asked politely why they are not wearing a face mask.

At the time of writing this, we are in Tier 4 and it sounds likely that it could go up to Tier 5 and no matter how high the number goes, these idiots will still ignore the warnings, because there is no one to enforce it.

I wish all of the readers and correspond­ents a Happy and Healthy New Year, Stay safe.

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