Portsmouth News

‘If seafront is busy – go back another time or find a different route’ – health boss


PEOPLE taking exercise should leave busy areas or consider finding another route to take, the city’s public health director has told The News.

It comes after Southsea seafront was busy at the weekend.

Helen Atkinson, health director at Portsmouth City Council, said: ‘We know exercise is vital for our overall physical and mental health and wellbeing, and that regular exercise is key.

‘So we want everyone who can to get outside in the fresh air once a day to make sure they don’t get into the habit of not exercising.

‘Daily exercise can be as simple as a walk near where you live, you don’t have to travel to a beauty spot, don the latest fitness gear, or run a marathon.

‘It is absolutely essential that everyone follows the government advice and only goes out to exercise once a day, with their household or bubble or if alone, with one other person. Please stay local. If you do go to the seafront to exercise and find that an area feels busy, please come back another time or take a different route.’

She also urged people to continue exercise.

‘Exercise ensures cardiovasc­ular health – our lungs, heart and blood circulatio­n, “oils” our joints, strengthen­s our muscles and bones and keeps us at a healthy weight.

‘All things which would help our bodies cope should we become infected with coronaviru­s.

‘With the ongoing pandemic and restrictio­ns and all the change and uncertaint­y this has brought us all, exercise will also help with our mental health. Getting outside, changing your environmen­t, even for a short time every day, will help us to cope with other issues and problems.’

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