Portsmouth News

Too convoluted


The BBC is the only organisati­on which we pay taxes to which we can’t vote out


A year ago, January 25, 2020 to be precise, I made a complaint to the BBC about a programme.

The BBC’s procedure is so convoluted I think it was probably designed to put people off. Its a three stage process and until you have completed all three stages you can’t refer your complaint to the independen­t arbiter, Ofcom. My complaint has still not been considered by BBC stage three, the executive complaints unit.

The BBC used to have three viewers and listeners comment programmes namely, Points of View, Newswatch and Feedback. All three are off air and their websites show no plans for any future editions.

There’s been a lot from the BBC about transparen­cy and wanting to hear licence payer’s opinions; its pretty obvious that this is nothing more than a façade.

Complaints about newspapers, including The News, are considered by the Independen­t press standards organisati­on, Ipso.

It may not be perfect but it manages to answer complaints in a timely manner; a piece in last summer’s Daily Telegraph was found to be inaccurate and they had to publish an apology. We pay taxes to the government and council, but can vote them out if we don’t like what they’re doing.

As far as I’m aware the BBC is the only organisati­on which we pay taxes to which we not only can’t vote out, but they’re quite happy to ignore the tax payer.

This mustn’t continue any longer.

Terry Pearson


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