Portsmouth News

Action needed on air quality - MP


AN MP has urged government to act on air quality.

Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan quizzed ministers in the House of Commons yesterday.

It comes as Britain takes over the presidency of COP26 and hosts the global climate conference in Glasgow this November.

Labour wanted government to ensure the PM2.5 – a measure of particulat­e matter used to assess pollution – target for air quality was at least as strict as World Health Organizati­on guidelines from 2005 by 2030. This bid to amend the Environmen­t Bill was defeated.

As reported, 83 nurseries, schools and colleges in the area were identified by the British Lung Foundation as being where the PM2.5 level is above the WHO-recommende­d limit.

The MP said: ‘It cannot be right that on the year we are set to host the world’s biggest climate change conference, our own government refuses to commit to tackle air quality here in the UK.

‘Air quality is already having real world impacts now, with our own city facing historic challenges with air pollution. If we are to emerge from this crisis and to be truly world leading in tackling the climate emergency, government should cut out the rhetoric and take action to face up to this challenge we all share.’

Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan said: 'We are absolutely world leading in tackling our CO2 emissions and part of the work with our landmark Environmen­t Bill will be indeed to get to grips with and lead again worldwide so that others can follow on air quality.’

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