Portsmouth News

Councillor in Black Lives Matter row

‘Life time criminal, high on drugs’ post investigat­ed by Tory party

- By RICHARD LEMMER richard.lemmer@jpress.co.uk

THE Conservati­ve Party head office is investigat­ing a social media post from a Havant councillor, who said that the Black Lives Matter movement commemorat­es a ‘life time criminal, high on drugs’.

Councillor Ken Smith, who has served on Havant Borough Council for more than 15 years, made the comment on Facebook while watching the England vs Scotland rugby game earlier this month.

The Conservati­ve politician and former mayor posted: 'Why are all the Scottish players taking the knee?

'Can it really be to commemorat­e the life time criminal, high on drugs, who was inadverten­tly killed four thousand miles away in America?'

Sportspeop­le around the world have taken to kneeling before events in solidarity with the BLM Movement, which instigated widespread protests over the death of George Floyd last year

Emails seen by The News show that a fellow Conservati­ve councillor had labelled the comment ‘very inappropri­ate’ and ‘racially insensitiv­e’, with the Havant Conservati­ve Associatio­n confirming that several individual­s had raised concerns about the social media post.

Cllr Smith has defended his characteri­sation of the BLM movement, while saying he is ‘never racial or critical of other nations’.

The 80-year-old said: ‘It was all motivated by the Black Lives Matter organisati­on.

‘It’s not just a means of paying homage to the person who died, it’s actually a nasty group of left-wing extremists who are exploiting this, and a lot of people are doing the taking-the-knee thing and they don’t know what it’s about.

‘People have jumped on the bandwagon – troublemak­ers, I’m talking about - and are using the kneeling as way of causing alarm and dissent, I really believe that.

‘I truly believe that sports and politics should not go together.

‘People should be grown up and discuss these issues, without getting hysterical about it.’

Cllr Smith says he encouraged the council’s first black councillor, Frida Edwards, to stand for office and canvassed for her election.

The former aerospace consultant said: ‘No one has any grounds to call me colour prejudiced in any way.

‘In 30 years of business I have visited and done business with every country in the world, except China, South America, and Myanmar.

‘I get Christmas cards from Muslims, and Buddhists, and Jewish people, because I am never, ever racial or critical of other nations.’

Cllr Smith was briefly suspended from the Conservati­ve party in 2019, after liking a comment that said London Mayor Sadiq Khan put ‘his religion before his country and countrymen’ and was a ‘disgrace to London and our nation’.

The chairman of the Havant Conservati­ve Associatio­n, Edward Rees, said that several people had raised concerns about the comment.

He said: ‘Concerns were raised about Councillor Smith’s social media post and these was passed on to Conservati­ve Campaign Headquarte­rs.

‘A number of individual­s raised concerns. As soon as someone raises concerns, we pass it up the ladder.’

The Conservati­ve Party’s head office is yet to respond to the associatio­n regarding the comment. It also did not respond to inquiries from

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 ??  ?? ‘RACIALLY INSENSITIV­E’ Concerns have been expressed over the comments made by Councillor Ken Smith
‘RACIALLY INSENSITIV­E’ Concerns have been expressed over the comments made by Councillor Ken Smith

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