Portsmouth News

Duo’s podcast on pop culture

Co-presenters’ ‘pub chat’ about films, shows and music they grew up with


TWO film fans from Portsmouth have launched a nostalgia podcast, revisiting pop culture classics from their youth.

With a new episode hitting listeners’ ears every fortnight, PodCulture Vultures hears co-presenters Kev Bradshaw and Dean Hobby chat about the films, shows, and music they grew up with.

Kev and Dean have been mates since meeting on a music production course at college more than 20 years ago.

The ‘proud local lads’ decided to launch their podcast venture just before Christmas, and have released eight episodes so far.

Dean, 43, said: ‘Basically we review films and TV shows, sometimes albums as well.

‘We don’t do stuff that’s come out now, we review older material that we grew up with.

‘We try and do a funny, comical show.’

Kev, 41, said: ‘It’s just good old friendly banter.

‘We talk in pop culture slang, which is a language of its own, and we thought, wouldn’t it be funny if we did it for a podcast.

‘Dean said it best once: we’re a couple of friends down the pub having a chat - we laugh at each other and ourselves.’

So far, the Vultures have covered pop culture fare ranging from movies like Natural Born Killers, Scrooged and Judgement Night, to the best albums of 2020, while also offering their opinions on what’s going on in the world.

Although the podcast features all sorts of blasts from the past, both Kev and Dean are especially interested in culture from the 1970s and 80s.

Kev said: ‘For me, it’s always the 80s - whether that be cinema, music, art, fashion.

‘There’s a scene in one of the malls in the film Mannequin, where you can see all the identities, the punks, the New Romantics, the yuppies.

‘I love the sense of adventure in films from the 80s, like Back To The Future, The Goonies, swashbuckl­ing adventures. I don’t feel like you get that so much these days.’

Dean said: ‘In 80s films, it’s all sewn up in an hour and a half, there’s no time wasted.

‘In the latest King Kong, it’s about an hour before you even see him.’

The lockdown has meant that Kev and Dean create two separate feeds to create their audio, and then, with the help of a third person who acts as editor and producer, mix the recordings to create their podcast.

Kev said: ‘We do it remotely from our personal establishm­ents until we can meet in person.’

Dean added: ‘That means we’ll have to start wearing clothes again.’

Dean has lived in Portsmouth all his life, and has played in bands in the local area.

Kev said: ‘I grew up outside the city but I was also drawn to Southsea and the seafront, the culture of it.’

By day, Kev, who now lives in Southsea, is a lead in digital innovation at a local college, while Dean is a gardener.

Kev said: ‘There isn’t a town like Portsmouth - its community, people from all walks in life, it’s got such a variety of personalit­y and a wonderful wave of different cultures.

‘It’s a seaside, a historical city - when you go for a run, you see a harbour, a castle.’

Find the PodCulture Vultures on Facebook.

 ??  ?? PODCULTURE VULTURES Kev Bradshaw and Dean Hobby on South Parade Pier, Southsea
PODCULTURE VULTURES Kev Bradshaw and Dean Hobby on South Parade Pier, Southsea

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