Portsmouth News

Broken glass glued onto play equipment

Father-of-three blasts ‘disgusting’ vandalism inside park spinning bowl

- By KIMBERLEY BARBER The News kimberley.barber@thenews.co.uk

Father blasts ‘disgusting’ vandalism inside park spinning bowl,

SICK vandals superglued shards of broken glass inside children’s play equipment in a Gosport park.

The scene was discovered on Tuesday afternoon inside a metal spinning bowl, which children sit it, and reported by dad-of-three Dean Freeman, who labelled the act ‘disgusting’.

Bus driver Dean visited the play area at Rowner Copse, off The Spinney, at 4pm with his two daughters – Jorja, 11, and Jaycee, three – and his wife Rebecca.

Dean, 32, who lives nearby, said: ‘We went to the park and my eldest daughter noticed it. We were so lucky that my youngest daughter had not got there first, as she is visually impaired, so she would’ve climbed in and really hurt herself.

‘I rang the council straight away and they sent someone immediatel­y out. But it is terrible.’

Dean took photos of the equipment and the glass and posted them to Facebook to warn others.

He said: ‘Looking through all the comments, this is not the only time it has happened. I am shocked.

‘It is quite a small park, we only live over the road from it, and it keeps the kids happy. It wears them out and helps them sleep better when they’ve been playing there.

‘It is just nice to spend some family time together there, but this has spoiled it. We will be more careful in future.

‘I don’t want to see any children getting hurt. They have been stuck indoors for so long with lock- down, and they have waited for so long for a bit of sunshine, it is such a shame that someone has tried to ruin that - and a shame to not be able to take them there.’

This latest incident follows a spate of anti-social behaviour in Gosport which has seen graves desecrated and streets vandalised. Gosport Borough Council said it acted quickly to clear up the glass and urged others to report any incidents. Stevyn Ricketts, head of Streetscen­e at Gosport Borough Council, said: ‘When we received this report, we sent a team straight down to the park to remove the broken glass and restore and clean the play equipment.

‘We also reported the incident to the police. We've not had any reports of similar incidents elsewhere, but I would urge anyone who has concerns to report it immediatel­y to Streetscen­e on 08000 198598.

‘All our play areas are inspected weekly and regular cleaning and maintenanc­e work is carried by our parks team - this increases in frequency over the spring and summer months when parks are at their busiest. We want to ensure that families and children can enjoy these facilities safely.’

Hampshire Constabula­ry said it had made its neighbourh­ood teams away of the incident and urged others to report incidents to the council and to the police.

A spokesman said: ‘If you witness anyone acting suspicious­ly in this area then please report this to police on 101.’

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 ??  ?? TERRIBLE Dean Freeman with his wife Rebecca and children Jayden, 12, Jorja, 11 and Jaycee, three and the glued glass
TERRIBLE Dean Freeman with his wife Rebecca and children Jayden, 12, Jorja, 11 and Jaycee, three and the glued glass

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