Portsmouth News





1. What the mean boss will pay? (7,4)

9. It's charged for half ration (3)

10. This conductor may be elected or otherwise (9) 11. He's put in little work, yet has expectatio­ns (5)

13. Compelled a company to have a new creed (7)

14. Steal away by night (6)

16. Suppose it means adopt (6)

18. Render an account (7)

19. Fast naval ships? (5)

20. His labours occasional­ly bring him some reward (3,3,3)

21. Spoil some firm arrangemen­ts (3)

22. Its profitabil­ity depends on

events of course (7,4)


2. Front part – but not of a train (3)

3. Woodwind section standing by the river (5)

4. Country in dispute will agree, certainly in part (6)

5. Evidence of a spectator (7) 6. A charity worth fighting for (4,5)

7. Wearing a sash rather madly (4,7)

8. Uncalled for correspond­ence (4,7)

12. Bird which is not all crest (9)

15. Divulge secrets – through a breach of security (4,3)

17. A vicar's address (6)

19. Northerner­s one may meet in noisy taverns? (5)

21. A low sound (3) QUICK CLUES:


1. Prosperous (11)

9. Strange (3)

10. Brilliance (9)

11. Card game (5)

13. Allayed (7)

14. Inherent (6)

16. Stationary (6)

18. Flat fish (7)

19. Trials (5)

20. Unhurried (9)

21. Court (3)

22. Accidental (11)


2. Cover (3)

3. Overturn (5)

4. Maltreat (3-3)

5. Press release (7)

6. Beginners (9)

7. Every other week (11)

8. Forerunner (11)

12. Uprising (9)

15. Bounce (7)

17. Minerva (6)

19. Appointmen­t (5)

21. Pale (3)

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