Portsmouth News

A dish to mould to your tastes



With some of the restrictio­ns of lockdown being lifted it has meant that over the past few weeks our restaurant has been open, albeit with a smaller capacity.

It has been a pleasure to see some of our wonderful customers again. We are now also able to meet up with friends and I expect some of you will be celebratin­g meeting up again by cooking for them. This terrine makes a great starter for such an occasion.

Ingredient­s (serves more than 6)

5 naturally smoked haddock fillets 400g new potatoes

Dessertspo­on capers and chives 300ml fish stock

3 leaves gelatine

Sea salt


1. Cook the potatoes in salted water until tender, then run under cold water until cooled.

2. Peel and slice the potatoes.

3. Line a terrine mould with cling film.

4. Trim the fillets of smoked haddock, place on a baking tray and brush with butter.

5. Cook in a pre-heated oven 150c/ gas 3 for 10 to 12 minutes until just cooked.

6. While the fish is cooking, heat the fish stock in a saucepan and season. Put the gelatine into cold water to soften and then whisk into the stock. Allow to cool.

7. Layer the fish and potato alternativ­ely into the terrine mould and sprinkle in the capers and chives on each layer.

8. When the terrine is full pour on the stock until it comes to the top.

Wrap over the cling film and put weights on top to press the terrine down. Put in the fridge for at least 6 hours before serving.

9. To serve, turn out of the mould and slice with a sharp knife. Serve with lemon mayonnaise and pickled cucumber.

Lawrence’s restaurant is Fat Olives, Emsworth. Visit fatolives.co.uk

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