Portsmouth News

Fantastic 5 on the Farm Festival further food demo shenanigan­s

- Wright Side Of Life with Karen Wright Former Great British Bake Off contestant Karen Wright shares her recipe for everyday happiness

Another whirlwind weekend of festival shenanigan­s for me, this time on home turf.

Well near enough. I was compere in the Food Demo Tent at the 5 on the Farm event at Cannon Hall Farm.

This is a new format event in conjunctio­n with Channel 5.

Held over the three days of bank holiday weekend, it was a huge success.

It was a new venture for me, hosting demos rather than doing them myself, and I very much enjoyed it.

There were stars of Channel 5 everywhere around, too many to mention here.

In the Festival Kitchen I was lucky to be working with Tim Bilton, Rebecca Wilson, Rob and Dave, two of the farmers from Cannon Hall Farm, who also star on Summer on the Farm, and Amanda Owen, who is the Yorkshire shepherdes­s, the fabulous hill farmer who also happens to be a mum to nine children!

Everyone was utterly charming and the demos were often hilarious.

Although the format was the same every day, it felt different each day, with funny things just spontaneou­sly occurring and the audience reacting differentl­y, but always positively.

I really hope that this becomes an annual event and I might be invited along again next year.

This last weekend I was away to another food festival, this time down south in Surrey.

So, I had a quick turn around and needed to be super-efficient to keep up with myself!

You know the saying “make hay while the sun shines”? It feels a bit like that now with everything happening all at once.

We all need to make the most of the remnants of summer and catch it while we can.

It won’t be long before the nights draw in, I will be busy making jams and chutneys and even starting to think about gathering ingredient­s for Christmas cakes!

 ??  ?? Karen and Amanda Owen at 5 on the Farm Festival at Cannon Hall Farm
Karen and Amanda Owen at 5 on the Farm Festival at Cannon Hall Farm

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