Portsmouth News

Who is worthy?


I was basically in full agreement with Carole Carrell in her letter Demonising the elderly (September 8).

Older people have contribute­d an immeasurab­le amount to everybody in our country and, of course, growing old and frail and facing complex health issues is not something that any of us have control over.

But to then break down the costs which the NHS face in treating smokers, those with alcohol related diseases and people who have diabetes is simply wrong and unfair. And to dismiss treating people with these illnesses as 'unnecessar­y costs' is, to put it mildly, shocking!

How about people who cross the road without looking both ways and get knocked down? Or somebody who gets up late and then falls over because they are having to rush to work or school? And don't let's even get started about people who refuse to wear masks or don't socially distance properly!

Perhaps when a patient arrives at hospital they should have to fill in a questionna­ire and only if it is discovered that their illness or injury is something which they could not possibly have prevented or avoided, then and only then will they be treated.

And I must emphasise, Carole, not all people with diabetes are obese and it is very short-sighted and insulting to make this comment.

Simply making discrimina­tory judgements about people's lifestyles and the perceived reasons for their illnesses and needs is not helpful, whatever their age.

Fi Rosen Armory Lane, Old Portsmouth

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