Portsmouth News

‘Obsessed’ husband avoids jail term after campaign of abuse

Phone bugged and accounts blocked

- By TOM COTTERILL The News tom.cotterill@thenews.co.uk

A FURIOUS husband enraged over the breakdown of his marriage has dodged jail after launching a ‘distressin­g’ campaign of harassment against his ex-wife.

‘Obsessed’ father-of-two Boguslaw Swierc bugged the home of Anna Swierc, with two dictaphone­s in a twisted attempt to spy on her conversati­ons with friends.

Portsmouth Magistrate­s’ Court heard how the vindictive 43-year-old decorator also tracked his former lover’s movements using the ‘find my device’ app.

During his rampage of revenge, ‘controllin­g’ Swierc, formerly of Gudge Heath Lane, Fareham, blocked Mrs Swierc from the joint bank accounts, accessed her emails, cancelled mobile phone contracts belonging to her and interfered with car finance arrangemen­ts.

The campaign of abuse took place over just a few weeks, between May 11 and June 6 and left his former partner ‘paranoid and distraught’.

Following the couple’s break-up, prosecutor Graham Heath said: ‘Events became somewhat unhappy. He employed a number of techniques, including the “find your phone” tracking app on her phone, tracking her to another address.

‘Later in early June a listening device was found under a rattan chair in the garden, described as a voice recorder. Again, this was clearly intended to record the conversati­on she had with a friend.

‘That particular episode prompted the police being called. And as a result a second device was secured under the dining room table.’

He added: ‘Amongst this rather obsessive behaviour, what some might say is part and parcel of the breakdown, you have behaviour that is clearly intended to upset unnecessar­ily.

‘For example, blocking joint bank accounts, contacting unnecessar­ily her personal trainer, accessing emails, cancelling mobile telephone contracts, interferin­g with car finance and such like

‘Even the home security device – cameras – were interfered with so this lady then no longer had any access to it.

‘It’s clear that this is a case that has caused a significan­t amount of distress and the reality is that it probably is likely to in the future.’

The torment has left Mrs Swierc distraught. In a victim impact statement, read by Mr Heath, Mrs Swierc described feeling like a ‘prisoner in her own home’.

She added: ‘I am a strong woman but I am only human and there is only so much I can take.

‘I don’t usually cry but I have broken down in tears at work… It is totally unlike me.

‘We had a good life on paper but I felt so pressured, I was like a prisoner in my own home. I only want a quiet life and to move on from this.’

Mr Heath urged magistrate­s to impose a five-year restrainin­g order on Swierc, and said: ‘If ever there was a case (for a restrainin­g order) it is clear that one is required. The defendant’s unpleasant behaviour clearly isn’t going to go away.’

Swierc, previously of good character, admitted one charge of harassment without violence.

Defending, Simon Moger said: ‘Plainly this is a case where a man has found it very, very difficult to accept the ending of a long-term relationsh­ip.

‘That is not in any sense to condone the defendant’s conduct. I think he must know deep down that that behaviour was not acceptable and was frankly rather intrusive.’

Swierc was jailed for eight weeks, suspended for eight months. A 24-month restrainin­g order preventing him from was applied. He was ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work over 12 months, pay costs totalling £213 and complete 20 rehabilita­tion activity days.

I am a strong woman but I am only human and there is only so much I can take. Anna Swierc

 ?? ?? SUSPENDED Boguslaw Swierc after his appearance at Portsmouth Magistrate­s’ Court
SUSPENDED Boguslaw Swierc after his appearance at Portsmouth Magistrate­s’ Court

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