Portsmouth News

Sophie’s sponsored read of 100 books to buy festive gifts for kids in hospital

Five-year-old’s mammoth effort to help get QA patients smiling

- By FIONA CALLINGHAM Health reporter fiona.callingham@jpimedia.co.uk

A SELFLESS five-year-old from Portcheste­r is hoping to spread some festive cheer to other children spending Christmas Day in hospital by ensuring they all get presents.

Determined Charlotte Mackney set herself a fundraisin­g challenge to pay for gifts for children on the paediatric­s unit at Queen Alexandra Hospital over the holiday season.

By completing a sponsored read of 100 books in November she raised more than £140.

Inspiratio­n for the challenge followed after Charlotte had a conversati­on with her mother Louise.

Louise said: ‘I believe talking to children about issues people are facing is important. I told Charlotte how there are children who have to spend a lot of time in hospital and don’t have activities or things to do.

‘Charlotte was moved by this thinking how she would feel in hospital with nothing to do. So, Charlotte asked how she could help. Charlotte decided that this school year she would do different things to raise money.’

She added: ‘She hasn’t needed any encouragem­ent and even read seven books in a row.’

As QA Hospital is unable to accept donated gifts from the local community this year due to the pandemic, Charlotte will be purchasing the gifts through Portsmouth Hospitals Charity’s Amazon wishlist.

The wishlist has been created in collaborat­ion with the paediatric­s unit to allow the local community to donate gifts safely.

It includes over 200 gifts all under £20 each, ranging from puzzles and Lego to card games and toiletry sets.

Zoe Parton, play specialist, said: ‘Being in hospital at any time of the year can be really hard but especially at Christmas.

‘We would like to say a huge thank you to Charlotte for all your hard work and for thinking of children who may have to spend time away from their families at Christmas.

‘It will make such a difference and put a huge smile on their faces when they open a present on Christmas Day.’

To donate to QA’s Christmas Appeal, which is supported by The News, that will buy every patient in hospital a gift visit portsmouth­hospitalsc­harity. enthuse.com/xmasatQA#!

She hasn’t needed any encouragem­ent and even read seven books in a row. Louise Mackney

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