Portsmouth News

Global smart card provider offers 400,000 face masks

NHS hospitals and government funded care homes are urged to get in touch


A GLOBAL smart card provider is offering free face masks to the NHS and is asking hospitals and care homes to get in touch.

Global smart card provider Universal Smart Cards, in Hilsea, has invested in 400,000 face masks to donate to NHS hospitals and government funded care homes in Portsmouth.

Owner Michael Smith said he wanted to do something to give back after everything the NHS has done for us during the pandemic.

He said: ‘Covid brought the value of what the NHS do to everyone’s attention, I think we took it for granted before March 2020 and people were quite critical, but suddenly people realise the immense pressure and dedication the staff are under during this crisis and that it’s a hugely valuable asset to the country.

‘For us it’s giving back to that. If we can give something back rather than just paying more taxes, we’d like to give something tangible and the face masks were just a logical thing for us to do to give back to the NHS and to the people that have looked after us so well.’

Universal Smart Cards has invested in PPE throughout the pandemic to give customers free face masks, antibacter­ial wristbands and door opening key chains with their orders.

The company also works closely with the NHS, providing them with tech solutions, which was another reason why Michael wanted to help out.

He said: ‘Some of the solutions we provide help access patient records, and so we felt because of our very strong relationsh­ip that we have, we wanted to give something back in that regard as well.’

USC has 390,000 3 ply level 1 face masks, and 10,000 FFP2 surgical grade masks available to any NHS hospital or care home that needs them. He said they can collect them from the Hilsea warehouse or they can be delivered if needed.

Michael is keen for people to get in touch as he doesn’t want the masks going to waste.

He said: ‘We’d be happy to hear from an overall trust, or individual care homes. As long as they’re government funded we’re more than happy to help.

‘Get in touch and we’ll provide face masks, thousands, tens of thousands. If it’s a big hospital we can do 100,000 if needed so it’s not a problem.’

To get in touch, call 0333700007­8 or email enquiries@usmartcard­s.com.

 ?? ?? DONATION Michael Smith of Universal Smart Cards
DONATION Michael Smith of Universal Smart Cards

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